May 23, 2021
Pastoral Council Minutes
Members Present: Fr. John Kurgan, Brook Gleasman, , Lola Gualtieri, Claude Pilon, Karen Markoff, Linda Cadaret, Mark Bentz, Ken Kirkman, Cookie Dunham
Members Absent: Carl Thomas, Kira Reed, Tom Griffith, Bob McCrone
Guest: Beth Schafer
Opening Prayer
Brook Gleasman led the opening prayer.
Meeting was called to order by Brook at 9:05.
Change in agenda to accommodate Beth, our guest, who has to leave at 9:30.
Beth Schafer- Refugee Assistance
Review status of family we have been working with- 9 children and single mother-began working with Refugee Resettlement in 2014, worked with a Somali family. Stocked their apartment and moved them in. They discovered they had relatives in Minnesota, and moved to Minnesota. The father of the family had been taking the kids to school when there was a bombing. In their culture they did not believe women should be educated. If the husband dies, the brother is to take care of the family, so the brother thought it best if the family went to America. They showed up with the clothes on their back, and the mom did not speak English. The oldest son was in charge of the family- 17 years old at the time they came.
In 2016- the parish asked for another family from Refugee Resettlement- We were assigned to an Afghani family. When they arrived, the family was unruly and had overwhelming family issues- we started working with the family by befriending the family, not adopting the family. It was a lot smoother as they grew through the process. The family is Muslim, and we found the culture clash difficult at times. We listened to their needs. Every once in a while, we requested from the Parish -lawn mower, soccer equipment. The Parish and individual pockets have been very helpful. There is a small group who interfaced with the family- only 2-3 people. We will be transitioning from this family soon, so Beth asked for next steps.
Do you need anything from us? Should we survey the Parish to see how they are feeling? Does the Parish want to adopt another family? Karen said we will probably have relocation families from our southern borders as Syracuse, Utica and Buffalo are major Upstate NY relocation areas. The Council discussed and would like to seek information from parishioners. We will put an information card in the pews. Claude said it is our mission to help another family. On the card for parishioners to voice their thoughts we will also ask if anyone would like to help and join the Refugee Assistance Committee. Karen and Beth will work with Father on the card, send it to the Council for input, and we will get it to parishioners next month.
Minutes of March 21, 2021 Meeting
Corrections: Mark in attendance on Zoom
Mark moved to accept the March 21 minutes. Claude seconded.
Passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Commemorative Plaque- Father John updated -Covid has affected wood availability. The plaque will be here by next meeting. We need to assemble names of past presidents in the meantime.
Response to Covid- The Bishop sent updates to parishes on Friday. If fully vaccinated, you do not have to wear masks; we are not required to sign in; ropes can be taken down every other pew; unvaccinated still wear masks. We greeted everyone who comes in; we have signers as greeters for now. Father does not want to lose the greeting of parishioners. We are not going back to the offertory gifts too quickly, and we may not return to the sign of peace-Father is not sure if he is going to do that. Many priests have said they are not going back to that. Precious blood is not allowed back and probably will not return. We are still sanitizing. Singing is back in-choirs allowed; members must be separated if not fully vaccinated. Family pods are allowed, distancing of 3-feet for all others. No Holy Water yet. Eucharistic Ministers- not sure if we will have 4, but stay with 2. Altar servers- will be back asap. Masking required if not vaccinated. No pre-sign ups. Greeter may hand out bulletin or prayer cards. Collection as is- may go back to baskets.- not ready yet. Some like poor boxes. We talked about some of trustees and Council can be greeters. Council suggested we put in the bulletin like for other roles- request for anyone who would like to be a greeter to notify the Church Office. This falls under the Hospitality Committee to develop the insert- Karen, Cookie, Carl, Claude and Beth. There will remain a single point of entry- main doors. Karen mentioned Bishop said Catholics must attend Mass in person unless ill or physically unable to attend Mass. The general allowance not to attend Mass goes through next weekend. Father said the realization is the majority who feel obligated are already back to church. Online will continue for the time being. 10:00 first communion
Channeling Injunction- reorganizing of the Diocese- Diocese cannot be sued, but can be served. Cannot make claim against Diocese after April 15. Parishes and individual priests can be sued until August 15. All parishes and entities, Catholic Charities, etc. have bought into this Channeling Injunction- we have a lawyer who will handle it. Father said they have no idea how much each church will contribute after diocesan insurance and parish insurances.
Buildings and grounds- Father said we had to get new gutters for the rectory; new facia was included in the price. Another expenditure=$11,000 to repoint the school building (mortar falling out). We hired the same company we have used in the past. The church will be closed 4 days in July to have parking lots sealed and re-striped. Tentatively July 6-9; weather dependent. Weekend Masses will still happen.
PCAs- We are PCA-11 which includes: St. Francis of Assisi (Bridgeport), Holy Cross (Dewitt), St. Mathew (East Syracuse), St. Mary (Minoa), Blessed Sacrament/St. Vincent de Paul (Syracuse). Father said at this time, no parishes will be closing, and there are three priests.
Father thanked all Holy Cross School teachers and the principal for their work this past year during the pandemic. Also, the auction last weekend was successful. Linda said about 113 people attended- mostly families from the school. Some additional families were online. The family who won the 50/50 gave all winnings back to the school.
10:30 Mass - last RCIA candidate coming through for Confirmation and Holy Communion
New Business
Karen said we are so proud of you, Father John, being appointed by Bishop Lucia as Vicar General. The Council agreed and asked whether Holy Cross would possible receive one of the newly ordained priests. Father said appointments would be determined this week by the Bishop and Committee. At this point, we do not know. The Diocese will ordain priests first weekend in June.
Diocesan Pastoral Council Minutes- Karen asked if everyone received them from the March meeting. Members said yes. Karen said she, Claude and Father attended the May 22 meeting, and she will be sending her notes to Brook to be distributed to the Council. Updates from the meeting: Bill Crist update on Catholic Schools, Msgr. Lang overviewed state of PCAs- 46 priests over 60, 33 priests 33-59 years old. 228,000 Catholics in the Diocese. 173 parishes. Danielle Cummings updated on the Injunction and sexual abuse allegations. Bishop Lucia spoke about updates for further reopening of parishes aligned with CDC and answered questions from the represented parishes.
Committee Reports:
Updates Holy Cross School: Karen and Bob are still meeting and working on the Middle States Accreditation process and application. The Diocese still has to provide us some disaggregated school data, and we are working on three goals for the 2021-22 school year
Updates Communications Committee: Karen to continue doing summary for Dan and Peg at this time to put in the bulletin, and meeting minutes on website.
Updates -Hospitality Committee- Karen said they have not met since last meeting, but now that we have established greeters. Karen will establish meeting with Claude, Carl and Cookie will meet with Father and Beth to further establish these roles and other committee work.
Updates Trustees- Claude said collections are good. We applied for PPP forgiveness with Key Bank. Father is to check on this this week.
18 diocesan schools got forgiveness; the 4 who didn’t were at Key Bank.
Closing Prayer
Brook led the closing prayer
Tom motioned to adjourn. Linda seconded. Vote carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:02.
Next Meeting: June 27, 2021 at 9:00 AM