March 21, 2021
Pastoral Council Minutes
Members Present: Fr. John Kurgan, Brook Gleasman, Thomas Griffith, Lola Gualtieri, Claude Pilon, Karen Markoff, Carl Thomas, Linda Cadaret, Bob Macrone, Mark Bentz
Members Absent: Kira Reed, Cookie Dunham, Ken Kirkman
Guests: Beth Schafer, Ed and Sue Judge
Opening Prayer
Brook Gleasman led and read the opening prayer.
Meeting was called to order by Brook at 9:05.
Minutes of January 17, 2021 Meeting
Corrections: Motion to accept minutes by Karen Markoff. Change Seconded to Lola Gualtieri.
Change in Report Updates- Fiscal Year runs from July 1- June 30, not December 31. Se
Claude made motion to accept minutes; Karl seconded. Motion unanimously carried.
Old Business:
Commemorative Plaque
Father John updated us regarding Pastoral Council Plaque- it will cost $200-$300.00 to acknowledge presidents. Medium 2x3 plaque with commemorative 24 slots. It would be oak to match woodwork in building. We will use 8-10 slots at this time with past presidents. Our maintenance will refinish with our red oak color to match woodwork and have plaques made locally for engraving.
Where would we place it? Tom suggested entrance to Yeazel Hall. Brook suggested Ann Wright’s family attend as we put up and that we might say something about this plaque was developed in memoriam of the passing of Ann Wright, one of, if not, the longest serving Pastoral Council president.
Father said we will put years they were president beside or underneath name.
Father John will make sure this is plaque is purchased by next meeting, so we can determine its placement.
Terms of Pastoral Council Membership
Tom sent Brook what he believes is latest information regarding terms. He reached out to Tony, previous president to ask regarding this but has not yet heard back.
Karen looked back through information provided Council by Tony Ortega in past two years:
“Members: appointed (or elected)/represent groups within parish community (length of terms?); Trustee(s): Pastor.
Members are expected to be attentive and active, volunteer to shepherd ideas most close to them, etc. Member and president role descriptions are being developed and will be shared separately.
Organization: President (appointed by Pastor; Roles-Parish Council leader; Point of contact with Pastor). Secretary (elected by the Council: Roles – writes minutes, drafts recommendations; drafts bulletin summaries; etc.)”
The Pastoral Council Grid Tony Ortega did for us included 2016-2019 membership:
Brook Gleasman- 2016
Bill Leiker (2018; resigned from secretary responsibilities due to college in 2019).
Kira Reed- 2018
Ken Kirkman, Laura Gualtieri, Carl Thomas, Mark Bentz, Karen Markoff, Ryan Boyle (resigned in 2019 as Ryan took a position out-of-state; vacancy created), TBD appointment=Linda Cadaret for HC School.
(Tom, Claude, Helen identified as Trustees)
On this chart, 2-year appointments were from 2019-2021.
From this chart, everyone would be up for reappointment or re-election in 2021.
Stewardship Campaign
Father to present update to parishioners on results for campaign after Easter. Father said that in the future a campaign such as this would be recommended to be done in-house rather than contracted to outside services. As the budget if finalized, the request will be made to maintain or increase yearly pledges. The Council discussed the possibility of increased revenue from stimulus checks that are forthcoming.
New Business:
Beth Schafer- Laudato Si’Circle at Holy Cross
Started last year. Ed and Sue Judge are also going to speak about this. Letting us know about this committee and asking for what Parish Council can further advise for the Laudato Si’ movement.
Beth and Ed are members of the diocesan 2015 task force. This committee last year suggested local parishes start Laudato circles. Fr. Kurgan and James met with them, and parish meetings began in July 2020- meeting Saturday or Sunday after mass. The met every two weeks; first six meetings were reading and educating themselves about the encyclical. Then, in September, they started working on the Season of Creation liturgy. Also, they began bulletin inserts with information about how we can be better stewards for this mission.
Beth has published in the bulletin what we are doing in the parish: solar panels, LED lights, reusable tableware, natural plants, ..
James and Dominick W. (grad student) wrote article in Catholic Sun about why climate is important for younger people. The Circle then decided they could be better stewards of the Lord’s vineyard by working on Lenten suggestions to simplify our lives and improve our environment and God’s creation.
The Circle is meeting via Zoom for now but hoping to get back to in-person meeting soon.
Beth asked if we had seen the bulletin inserts. Father John did introductory message before Lent. The Circle is looking for the Council to say how we think it has impacted the parish. She hopes we are the eyes and ears- how it is being received, how it can be improved. Brook said he reads brief more than bulletin. It has been in brief every week. It is one of main things the church is doing. Young people primarily do not read bulletins. Dan Littlepage has put all inserts and live links on the webpage. Karen said paper as communication vehicle is sometimes ignored or unread in entirety, and she suggested a personal update/summary before or after church to parishioners or a table/video clip as people enter may be additional venue for the message. Tom liked seeing information again and again- consistent focus. Karen said people may perceive this as flavor of the month unless connected to larger goal or big picture that is conveyed to parish community. Otherwise, much can be perceived as activities or events without larger picture and connection to purpose; there needs to be a clear goal/objectives. Beth said she would like to talk more with Karen about this. Concern raised from Sue Judge if some Council members are just being aware of this and live links- concern about impact on larger community. Beth said that live links have only existed for two weeks. Discussion followed regarding printing the information as it is using trees for paper, but the Council said many people still like paper copies and maintain for referencing; whereas, the younger parishioners may prefer digitized and web versions.
Sue: How do we sustain what we started? Beth will talk with Fr. Kurgan about this -i.e. Earth Day as outcome of Lenten series. One of the frustrating things is Covid has limited what the Circle is doing. The goal with the Lenten Program is to raise awareness and lead by example.
Beth said the Vatican will release its 7-year plan to commemorate 5 years of this movement.
Beth suggested an energy audit for the church to encourage other households- look at carbon footprint and trace year by year. Ed said we could use carbon footprint calculators, and he thinks we could do something to lower parish costs by lowering the footprint. Father said all of this is unseen by parishioners- Father has been asked are we going to pick up garbage. There was a suggestion that HC adopt a highway demonstrating our effects on the greater community. Father said the components and actions need to be seen. Council members expressed support for the barometer idea. People want something tied to the church/HC. To that point, the Gardening Angels are picking up trash on April 23rd at the bridge and Erie intersection and invite all parishioners to help on Saturday, April 24th , Earth Day. Sue added if we can share visually where we are in progress, it will help parishioners.
The question arose over responsibility to set goals for the parish, and Father John said it would be Pastoral Council. This will be put on the agenda for our next Council meeting.
Updates- Father John
Church updates: Ignite here yesterday- Conference for men. There were a series of host sites this year due to Covid. HC hosted about 20 men. Bishop Lucia said Mass, and there were presentations. About 100 people attended the Lenten Mission on Thursday night. People seem to be getting back to normal and happy to get back to in-person worship.
Faith Formation- getting very good information regarding boxes. We had First Penance. Young people seem to know what they are doing and are good, despite no in-class meetings. Parents have been prepping their children well, and kudos to parents through these difficult times. HS youth group meets here on Wednesdays- good turnout- ultimately, well received as young people have been thrilled to get together, go to Mass, etc.
Reorganization by Diocese- April 15 = bar date.
Expenditures- working on budget- we will be in good shape. There are some upcoming expenditures needed: $25,000 for sealing of driveways of rectory and Church parking lots. Did not happen although contracted due to Covid- hopefully, can do at beginning of this season. Need to also replace gutters in rectory- few leaks this year, and Fr. said cannot keep repairing.
Father said the Offices are open; most of the staff are vaccinated at this time.
Updates Holy Cross School:
Bob MaCrone introduced himself. Father said the teachers and students/families love Bob. There is a waiting list for school enrollment, and with the CDC recent 3 ft. spacing, we can get back up to about 20 students per classroom. Linda said there is a lot of interest from families; some are still looking for this year. Bob has had tours for PK, and it looks like we will increase our enrollment numbers. Karen added that in recent walkthroughs with Bob in the school, the students of HC are very polite, engaged and positive about their school and teachers. They live the school mission of “Educated Minds-Faith-filled Hearts.”
Karen said she and Bob are continuing work on the Middle States Accreditation process and application. They are nearing half-way, hoping to have this completed by the end of the school year. They will work with staff to establish strategic planning goals with action steps and commence implementation in the 2021-22 school year.
Updates Communications Committee:
Brook thanked Karen for minutes, summary to Dan, etc.
Brook said he checked with Dan to make sure all minutes are posted on the webpage, and they are.
Updates -Hospitality Committee
Karen said they have not met due to Covid since last meeting. She needs to work with Fr. John about future meeting with the committee: Carl, Claude, Cookie, Beth.
Father said he intends to open up ministries after Easter for altar servers and lectors. However, he is not sure whether Eucharistic Ministers will be able to come back as the chalice and the wine as part of our communion practice may be forever altered after Covid.
Closing Prayer
Brook led closing prayer
Tom motioned to adjourn. Linda seconded. Vote carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:02.
The next meeting will be May 23, in-person unless otherwise directed by Father.